Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Congrats And A Dream

First - the congrats!!

Congratulations!!!! to Dianne and hubby on the referral of an oh-so-sweet little lady named Hana! I have to give Kudos to Dianne for being patient this past long weekend while knowing her referral was in Edmonton yet having to wait until Tuesday to actually get it - I would have been a raving maniac! Her patience paid off yesterday when she got to see her lovely baby girl for the first time.

Here is to bringing your beautiful babe home very quickly! O.k so now go on over and give her your congrats!

Second - a dream!

My girlfriend Rachel sent me a link yesterday to a guy who is a writer for the Globe and Mail. You can click here to read the specific article she intended for me to read.

After reading this, I immediately sent it on to you think that was too forward of me?!?

Nah! A girl can always dream right?!


Dianne said...

Thanks Rana! You're sweet :)

Ken Hegan is right... husbands will hate him!! I hope Yvan took the hint!

JCB said...

So if you don't blog for a while I will assume you have been abducted and taken out of country!

I will call again :)