...when you do your best to park in a grocery store lot (insert any parking lot you want here) in a stall as straight as possible..some turkey has to wing in beside you (while you are in the store) and park willy nilly on a crazy angle. In doing so, they park so close to your driver side door making it impossible to open...let alone get into your car!!
Why. Would. You. Do. This.
Seriously..I am in a mood people. Don't you know that! A MOOD!
It is a good thing I wasn't there when they parked or I would have given them the look...you know...
It's true - I would have!
And then I would've walked right over to the passenger door and crawled across the seats to prove my point to you!
ha ha ha
That just happened to me the other day!! I did have to go in the passenger door and climb over. Some people!!!
Steph :-)
Oh Rana - just you wait! Wait til you have a car seat or 2 back there and someone does that to you???!!! What the h___ do you do? Move with your kids in the car? Ding up your car?? I think that should be a tick-able offense when someone parks too close to a vehicle with child seats!!!
Maket that "ticket-able" offense.
Sorry dude. I was in a hurry cause I had to get to the internet in the store to CHECK IF I HAD A COURT DATE YET!!!!!!!! I'll park better next time!!!!
I AM IN TOTAL AGREEMENT!!! I hate it. And I've done that look ... and crawled across the seats.
There have been days when I have just opened my door and SMACKED and WEDGED and PUSHED until I got in.
Yes. I went there.
(Okay. Once. No, twice.)
Ok... and then you finally get your kids in their car seats, crawl over from the passenger side to your seat and realize that the angle that car and the big truck parked on the other side will not allow you to back out. You can't go anywhere... Oh and did I say I was running late and the bus with the oldest was to arrive home at any time and we were STUCK there?!!
One day, at our commuter train parking lot, someone blocked two other cars with his or her "I know I've screwed over at least two people, but my need to make the train is more important than your need to get out of the parking lot tonight" parking. Someone posted a note on his or her windshield stating simply, "You are an idiot". Perfect. Aren't there (or shoudn't there be) cards made for just such occasions?
Mmmm, I hope my typing is straight enough for you. I might get the look otherwise.
But I think at this stage of waiting you can give the look to whoever, whenever you feel like it!
I'm with ya... It drives me nuts too... especially when I'm in a mood. I always have to fight the urge to scrathc their car. Ha!
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