Generally, the cardinal rule is we don't decorate until December 1.
But since this is Ade's first Christmas home with us I decided to do it a little early much to Yvan's chagrin. I told him to 'suck it up' as it was only 4 days early! Ha ha!
Down to the basement I trudged to dig out the holiday decorations. (This is the part I dislike the most. Going through all the boxes trying to find the right stuff. I really need to organize better)
With Ade's help, we hauled up all the necessary items and began unpacking. I worked methodically setting up the tree (we don't DO real trees in our house because of the environmental impact of cutting them down - ask Yvan) and so I worked tirelessly branch by branch doing the "fluff" and "flounce" to get the tree to look as real as possible.
It should be noted here that Yvan was nowhere to be seen. As we were doing this 4 days early, he made sure to leave the house "to do something urgent" leaving Ade and me up to the hard stuff. He did return in time to string the lights up because that is a job he is very good at. If I did it, all the lights would end up clumped right at the front, near the top of the tree.
OK. So tree is ready and the lights are on! Next step, bring out the decorations. Now I must tell you these decorations are OLD. In fact, they are probably close to 40 years old. Passed down to me from my mom. I clearly remember them from when I was a little girl. So this part is fun as I relive some childood memories. Yvan also has some decorations from when he was young too. A stylish tree it isn't, like those decorated ones you see in the stores or in catalogues these days. There is no color scheme or themes just random pops of color here and there but we like it.
The thing is these decorations are on their last leg and likely to crumble in your hand as you hang them on the tree so there was lots of "Oh Ade! Be careful with that one!" and "Oh Ade, probably shouldn't swing it around like that it will break!" and "Ade! Let MOM do it"!
Ha ha ha!!! I'm kinda like the Soup Nazi in Seinfeld when it comes to putting the decorations I really had to take a deep breath and just let Ade have fun with it.
Which he did! He kept saying "More" which sounds like "Moray!" And saying "Mama, Papa, Mistmas Ree!!!" He was certainly having fun! Yvan and I both took turns helping Ade put decorations on the tree and we took lots of photos and video for keepsakes of his first Christmas home.
Once everything was done we plugged in the lights and stepped back to have a look. The tree, in my humble opinion, looks so beautiful and I really think it is because we did it as a family. Kids really bring out the fun in Christmas!!!!
Later that night we put on our matching Christmas pajamas (Yes, we have matching pajamas! I couldn't resist!) and tried to get a family photo in front of the tree for our holiday cards! Um, ya throw in a 2 year old, 2 dogs and 2 very tired parents and you get a gong show of epic proportions. But I think we managed to get at least one good shot!
Every morning as we come downstairs for breakfast, Ade asks for the "Mistmas Ree On!" so we plug it in and his face lights up with the biggest smile!
Seriously, Christmas this year is going to rock!
Love love love your tree!!! It looks quite a bit like mine....full of love and memories!! Kids make Christmas waaay funner!!!
So excited for your first kidlet Christmas!!
Finally we can feel like ourselves and enjoy the Christmas season again!!! Hoping you love every minute of Christmas this year with your boy!!
Lovely tree + happy boy = Merry Christmas!
I love the old ornaments, and mix them into all my trees (yes, I have multiple Christmas trees). I keep putting them up while the kids are sleeping, because...well...yeah. I have promised the boys they can "help" at some I will go through the motions of letting them do one with me (and then likely re-arranging most of it after they go to bed. I'm that terrible).
BEST PICTURE EVER!!!!! Enjoy every minute of this holidays season! This is what you have been waiting for!
You should have just argued that it was advent and all, so you are justified in breaking the calendar rule. :) Love the grin by the Mistmas Ree!!
Oh, happy day - there is Ade & his Mistmas Ree!
That picture is worth a thousand smiles (and maybe a few happy tears!)
I would love to have been a fly on the wall as you were attempting the family shot avec camera timer! I have such great memories of us trying to get the same shot on our first Christmas as 3.
Your first Christmas with Ade, HOORRRAAYYYY!!!!!!! Love your tree it is amazing!!! Kids do make Christmas so much more fun, boy would life be boring without the kiddos!!!!
Mewy Mistmas!
I can't imagine how different this Christmas will be for you than last. And, I woud love to see a video of Ade talking about his ree!
Oh yes! Happy, happy, HAPPY holidays for you this year!!!!
Ade's smile just knocks me over with it's perfect, sunshiney brilliance every time I see it. You don't really need Christmas lights - that boy can light up a room. :)
That photo totally made my day - what a smile! Hope you guys have the most memorable Mistmas ever!!
(We are so "thrifty" that we have used the same potted live tree for the past three years. This year will be year 4. I call it our Charlie Brown tree and it will be very sad when it finally outgrows the pot!)
Hehehe I totally decorated early for the same reason! At the moment ours looks a bit funky because we put all the breakable up top and ribbons on the bottom. He love pulling on the ribbons! Yeah for first Christmas with our babies!
Beautiful - the tree, the child.
Ok I am laughing because I was going to email and ask the exact same thing as Tova but I got side tracked. So, uh, me too please.
Hee! I love the big grin! (and the Mistmas Ree!!)
I remember how hard those last few Christmases were for you before Ade...I am so excited that you have a little one at your house this year for the holidays! It is going to be a lot of fun!
I am excited to see the picture of all of you in your matching pyjamas!
Awesome! So fun! Kids bring back the magic of Christmas..have a GREAT one!
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