Monday, January 23, 2012

He's 3!!!!!!!

Who can believe he is 3??! And has been home a year?!!

We can't!

Where did the year go??????

We threw our wee, little man a party to celebrate turning 3 and being home with us for a year! Our fantastic family and friends came over to help us celebrate which made it even more special for him and for us!

Chillin' the night before the big party!

Opening a special gift from a special little friend in Calgary :)

My first ever attempt at a birthday cake! I'm quite proud of how it turned out!

A little overwhelmed by all the people singing "Happy Birthday" but he had a blast and got to play with so many of his favourite little friends!


Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday sweet boy!!!!! SO excited that you got to celebrate this birthday at home together! AND Happy Forever Family Day!!! So much to celebrate! Rana your cake rocks! I hate to tell you this but your wee boy is looking more and more grown up all the time!



Dianne said...

Happy birthday, wee man!

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Ade! Great cake Rana!!!

June said...

awesome cake! I bet he loved it!

Happy Birthday Ade!!

Kendra said...

Happy Birthday Ade and Congratulations on being home 1 year! Looks like a fantastic time!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness! He ever looks older!

Happy Birthday Ade!

shaunak said...

Awesome cake! Looks like it was a great day!

hazel said...

So much to celebrate!

Happy Birthday, Ade!

Thanks Rana, Biset will get a kick out of that picture.

PS Soooo jealous of your mad cake decorating skills.

Coleene said...

Happy birthday Ade.........great job on the cake!!

I made that EXACT cake for my son's 6th birthday last year!!

I am attempting a Soccer Ball cake for his birthday this is the soccer ball surrounded by the grass of the field.....wish me luck.

I also did cream puffs in the shape of the age he was turning for his 5th birthday that was a big hit.

If you are interested in the pattern for a guitar cake let me know!!

the night before the birthday when I am working on the cake I always say "why did I ever decide to make homemade cakes for their birthdays!!" but when I see their faces when they see the cake for the first time it is all worth it


The Turgeon Expansion said...

Happy Birthday Ade! We will have to come in one day and celebrate with you :)

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday! Gosh those years go by quickly!

Karen said...

Aw - so cute! Happy Birthday Ade!And, yeah, great job on the cake.

Chad, Laura, Sara and Seth said...

How did that happen? Where does the time go? Happy Birthday to a VERY special boy!


Connie said...

Happy birthday little man!

Good job on the birthday cake!

darci said...

Cute cute cute everything! You did great on his cake! I am impressed! Happy bday Ade! Three is a GREAT age!